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Gegenseitiges Vertrauen, Berechenbarkeit, Ehrlichkeit und Geradlinigkeit nach innen und aussen sind Grundprinzipien, die in der Würth-Gruppe fest verankert sind. Das Bekenntnis zu diesen Werten finden Sie bereits in der von Reinhold Würth verfassten Firmenphilosophie aus den 1970er Jahren.
Dabei geht es nicht nur um die Einhaltung aller geltenden Regeln und Gesetze, sondern auch um eine entsprechende innere Haltung der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, die ein wesentlicher Baustein für den nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg der Würth-Gruppe ist.
Und genau diese innere Haltung wollen wir fördern. Gleichzeitig fordern wir damit auch die strikte Einhaltung aller geltenden nationalen und internationalen Regeln und Gesetze. Um dies sowohl unseren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern als auch unseren Kunden, Lieferanten und sonstigen Geschäftspartnern transparent zu machen, haben wir auf der Grundlage unserer Unternehmenswerte konkrete Verhaltensregeln abgeleitet, die wir im Code of Compliance der Würth-Gruppe nochmals zusammengefasst haben.
Mit dem Hinweisgebersystem wollen wir allen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, aber auch unseren Kunden, Lieferanten und anderen Personen die Möglichkeit geben, über konkrete Anhaltspunkte für Gesetzesverstösse oder sonstiges unrechtmässiges Verhalten zu berichten.
Mutual trust, reliability, honesty and straightforwardness, both inwards and outwards, are the fundamental principles deeply ingrained in the Würth Group’s corporate culture. Our commitment to these values was first laid down in the Corporate Philosophy which was written by Reinhold Würth in the 1970s.
These principles do not just include adhering to all applicable rules and laws, but also the proper mindset of the employees which constitutes an integral part of the sustained corporate success of the Würth Group.
And it is our goal to promote this mindset. At the same time, this mindset entails our employees’ strict adherence to all applicable national and international rules and laws. To make these principles more transparent for our employees as well as our customers, suppliers and other business partners, we have developed practical rules of conduct on the basis of our corporate values, which are summarized in the Code of Compliance of the Würth Group.
Group-wide reporting system?
Our Code of Compliance represents our commitment to treat each other with integrity, along with our customers, suppliers and other business partners. Studies have demonstrated that reports received from third parties frequently helped to solve cases of economic crime. For this very reason, we have set up a system that allows both Würth Group employees and third parties to report criminal acts and other major compliance violations. This web-based tool is called the BKMS System (Business Keeper Monitoring System).
If you would like to report an incident using this system, you can do so either anonymously or by name. Nevertheless, because we would like to cultivate an environment of open communication, we encourage you to give your name when submitting reports. We will handle your personal information with strict confidentiality and take into account the legitimate interests of all parties involved.
Please create a mailbox in the BKMS system via which we can contact you. This is important in case we have any follow-up questions or in case you would like to add further information to your report later on. Communication via the mailbox can also be kept anonymous, if desired.
The system is solely intended to call attention to suspected cases of economic crime or major compliance violations within the Würth Group. Any misuse of this system for other purposes can constitute a criminal offense.
You can submit a report here:
Thank you very much for your support!